Monday, September 1, 2008

Still Fresh 2

Still Fresh 2 – My Diary

When I woke up this morning, I was well rested. The joker in me would say because no sex went on last night. I think it’s something more. I ran my bathe and decided to do the Jada Pinkett Smith stress ritual by Carol’s Daughter. I had read about it when I joined the membership to Carol’s Daughter. While the water ran, I went into my kitchen. The housekeeper had fixed me breakfast and all I had to do was heat it up. I sat at my Kitchen Island on my Chocolate leather Counter Stools. I loved the way I had decorated my condo, as I looked around to take it all in. It bought happiness to me. Seeing what I worked so hard for and knowing that it was mine. That I had paid for it with no help. I sipped a couple of more sips of my Promegrate Tea from Crate and Barrel. I moved the dishes to the dishwasher and wiped off the counter top and stove.

I went into my bedroom to get out my clothes. I always lay my clothes out prior to bathing and/or showering. It’s just easier to me. Because it was Thursday, I knew my day would be busy. Between real estate issues and HR contracts, I tried to load my Thursdays, so that my weekend would be easy. I got into the tub and went over the events of the week in my mind. I was most unhappy with the call from Frank’s wife. I don’t like surprises and after almost 3 years of not talking with him, this was unacceptable. I laid in my Jacuzzi and tried to figure out what I would do about her. I wouldn’t allow someone to take the events of my life into their hands. I’ll have to deal with this straight up. No one could protect me better than me.

After getting dress and speaking with one of my personal assistants, Brandi, I left the security of my home. Ralph had the valet bring my Porsche Cayenne around. I got into my ride and cruised into Brooklyn. I was headed to face Frank’s wife, face to face. If she thought she could call my home then I was going to confront her at her home. I knew the address and the fact that she didn’t work. Better yet, as stupid as Frank was, I still had the keys and my name was still on the deed. I helped Frank get the home for his family. Well, I actually used my credit line for a home that I inherited. Frank and I went to school together. We were boyfriend and girlfriend through out middle and high school. Then we separated because I found out that he was putting pinholes in his condoms. He admitted it and although I understood we broke up. Then about 10 years later, we reconnected. The irony was that the school’s reunion is what bought us back together. His wife was there and I went with Hope, Faith and their families.

I pulled up to the Brownstone. Figured while I was there, I should take an assessment of the neighborhood and the homes. Never, know when I may have to pull my credit line in. I talked to a few of the neighbors and then went up to the door. I rang the bell and waited. When I didn’t get an answer before opening the door, I called Frank. He didn’t answer so I left a message on his voicemail. Then I opened the door. I could hear sounds coming from the upstairs bedroom. I tiptoed to the room that the sounds were coming from. I heard a lot of moaning and groaning. I stopped to try and remember if I had saw Frank’s Cadillac. I was pretty sure that I didn’t see his car outside. The next sound that I heard was definitely confirmation that Frank’s car was not outside. I heard the definite sound of two men and a woman. Oh boy, I thought, I better get out my digital camera and for safety, my gun. Being a ‘single’ woman in the city, I carried a concealed weapon and had a gun permit. I had them bought ready, as I put the camera on record and up to my eye. Then I had the gun braced and ready. I quietly pushed the door open. There through the lens of my camera, I saw Frank’s wife in bed with, just as I heard, two men. Damn! Was all I could think because one man was fucking her and she was sucking the other man. Neither of the men were Frank. Truth be told one of the men was Frank’s cousin. I stood there for almost 10 minutes, recording this orgy. They never noticed me. I wouldn’t have noticed me either if I was being fucked and sucked like that. I left the house, as silently as I had gone in. I spoke to one of the neighbors about Frank’s wife. She was more than happy to tell me about the men in the house. She stated that they came over at least 3 times a week and always together, when Frank wasn’t home. She stated that Frank’s cousin did come when Frank was home and that he then bought his wife and kids. She pointed out their cars and I took pictures and wrote their license plates down.

This was better than I had hoped. I had on my Citizens for Humanity Jeans and sweater with my Christian Louboutin Penny Girl Loafers, in case something popped off. As I pulled to the light, it hit me how Frank’s wife had gotten my home number. James, Frank’s cousin, was the mastermind behind that. I called Friend and spoke with him in length about what I saw. He scolded me for going there and by myself. When I told him that I planned to make DVDs and send them to everyone, all he could do was laugh. He advised me that I should go into politics. We laughed at the thought of that and then I got serious. I told him that last night had been good. I allowed myself to break down and show a side that I kept hidden. I told him that just being able to be myself and talk with him was real good. I assured him that although I was seeing someone else that if he could handle it, I would still see him. I reasoned it to being the same as his being married. I could tell from the tone in his voice that he didn’t like the fact that I would be seeing someone else but that he felt he had to accept it to see me. We talked and laughed before making arrangements to see each other next week. I knew that although, we agreed to see each other next week that he would be calling me, at home.

It was starting to feel like I was hardly working anymore. I called Faith and Hope and told them about my morning. Then I called Justin. We made plans to see each other on Saturday. He said that he was able to come up to Philly. I made reservations at the Rittenhouse Hotel. We were going to the Heineken Red Soul Music festival. Faith and Hope had family commitments, so they weren’t going to be able to attend. After, all my arrangements were made; I called Sabrina and told her what my weekend plans were. She stated that she would get what I needed and drop them past my condo. I went into my real estate office and worked past 10:30pm. Brandi and Brianna, my paralegal assistant for my HR Company, had both gone home. I gave them Friday off and told them to keep their business phones off. Before, I left; I downloaded the DVDs and made 7 copies. I figured that Frank, Frank’s wife, James, his wife and their next door neighbor could all use a copy. I would leave one in the safe at my office and the other I would use at home. It was a short film but I like watching porn movies.

Friday, I planned on spending the day in Mineola, with my parents. When I got home, the valet parked my car and I went inside. I had a note at the security’s desk, so I read it on the elevator up to my place. It was the return message from Frank, asking me to call him, immediately. When I stepped off the elevator and into my place, I swore that if I saw any flowers, I would scream. I had already sent all the calla lilies from yesterday, to the General Hospital. I was glad that when I got inside, I didn’t have any new deliveries. My housekeeper had left for the weekend and my refrigerator was full. I poured a Root Beer float and went into my den. I sat down in my Red leather club chair and flicked on the television. I was half asleep, half awake, when I thought I heard Frank’s voice. Then I realized that I had rolled my personal cell phone calls over to my house phone. I picked up the phone before he finished leaving the message. I asked him to come over. When I hung up the phone I knew it would take him about an hour to get there. I called down to the lobby and let the guard on duty know that I was expecting company and who it was.

I then jumped into the shower. It had been awhile since I had seen Frank but I would be ready for anything. So I showered using my Mélange Body Cleansing Gel by Carol’s Daughter. I stepped out the shower and moisturized down with the Shea Body butter. I threw on my La Perla Song Lace Chemise and Raso Long Robe. I made myself a Bailey’s Irish Caramel Mud Slide and relaxed on the sofa, in the living room. It seemed like an eternity before Frank arrived. The security guard buzzed me to let me know he was on his way up. I opened the door and there he was. Again, I couldn’t tell if it was lust, fond memories or just happy to see an old friend. It was almost the same feeling, I got when Friend, came over the night before.

When he came in, we hugged. It had been awhile. Every now and then, I would wonder about what he was up to. I knew better than to reach out to him. He was the first person, the only person, which I ever loved. So, although my heart and soul yearned to reach out to him I didn’t. Now, he’s standing in my living room because his low down cousin was stirring up old shit. Like my great- grandmother said “When you stir in old shit, it starts to stink all over again”. I had mailed the DVDs on my way home, so I didn’t have to tell Frank about them. He would get the DVDs over the weekend, they all would. I would be in Philly and when the shit hit the fan, I would be more than happy to accept any and all calls.

I offered, him a shot Of Ciroq. He asked for a half of glass of Ciroq and some orange juice. I knew something more than my phone call or his wife calling me was on his mind. I checked every month to make sure that the house note was paid on time and it was usually paid up 4 months in advance. So, I didn’t have to worry about that. I knew that it was really serious by the way he swallowed the glass down. He handed it to me and I refilled it. Then I said down next to him. He immediately started crying. I just rubbed his knee and allowed him to talk. He started on how he had found out last year that his daughters weren’t his. He had found out by tragic accident. His youngest daughter had suddenly fallen ill and his wife rushed her to the hospital. When he arrived they had already discovered that his daughter had a rare bone marrow, Myelodysplastic Syndrome. He wasn’t a match. He couldn’t give blood or a transplant. Then to make matters worst, his oldest daughter wasn’t a match to his younger daughter or him. So now he had raised and loved two daughters under false pretense. He wanted to leave his wife but she claimed that it would devastate the girls. He knew that he couldn’t leave them at this time but he felt such sorrow. He said his heart was heavy because he really loved his wife and girls. I just said there in astonishment. I still didn’t want to say what I had seen or had done, earlier today. I just took Frank in my arms. I held him for a long time before I stood up and led him into my bedroom. I undressed him first and then myself. I laid up on him and made love to him like it was our first time. We made love and slept until 12pm, the next day.

When I realized what time it was, I got out of bed. I didn’t wake him but ran him a hot bath and took his clothes to the laundry room. I put them in the washer and went into the kitchen. I made breakfast and went to serve him in bed. After what I heard last night, I knew that he needed to be pampered. When I sat the tray on the bed, he sat up and started crying again. This time I cried with him. I don’t know if I was crying for him, with him or for us. For what we had, what we lost and what we would never have.

1 comment:

Ms Watts said...

Giirlll this is awesome!! I think you and Sabrina should become REAL close friends she seems like a good candidate to take along when you do your road trips to check these bitches oh I mean wives!! oh bought is when you buy something and brought is when you bring something you kinda mixed those two up but its cool cuz Sabrina always got your back!!much love and keep'em coming!!! LOL